SEBA Solutions for Class 9 English Poem - A Legend of the Northland

 A Legend of the Northland

A Legend of the Northland

This article contains SEBA Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem - "A Legend of the Northland." These solutions have been carefully curated by subject specialists, who have analyzed the CBSE marking scheme and the latest NCERT book. Each answer is accompanied by step-by-step explanations to facilitate easy and quick learning. The Class 9 SEBA Solutions for English Poem - "A Legend of the Northland" are ideal for completing your homework assignments on time and preparing thoroughly for your school tests and annual examinations. By reading this blog post, you will get all the questions answers for 'A Legend of the Northlandand you can download the PDF for free. Thank you so much for being with us.

Textual Questions & answers:

1. Which country or countries do you think "the Northland" refers to?

Ans- The northland refers to the region around the north pole which is extremely cold. It could be any country like Russia, Canada, Greenland, Norway, etc.

2. What did Saint Peter ask the old lady for? What was the lady's reaction? 

Ans:- Saint Peter asked the lady to give him a cake as he was hungry. The lady did not give him a cake out of the ones that she had baked, instead she baked a smaller one for him.

3.How did he punah her?

Ans:- He punished the selfish lady by tuming fier into a woodpecker bird that had to bore ante the dry wood all day to get some food and shelter.

4. How does the woodpecker get her food?

Ans:- The woodpecker gets food by boring holes in the wood.

5: Do you think that the old lady would have been so ungenerous if she had known who Saint Peter really was? What woukt she have done then?

Ans:- If the old lady knew who Saint Peter was, then she would not have been ungenerous On the other hand, she would have served him well for the fulfilment of her greedy desires.

6: Is this a true story? Which part of this poem do you feel is the most important? 

Ans:- it is not a true story. The point of the story where the woman is turned into a woodpecker bird is the most important This is so because the punishment teaches everyone the lesson to be generous.

7. What is a legend? Why is this poem called a legend? 

Ans:- A legend is a popular story from the past which is believed to be true but cannot be verified. It contains a moral which is narrated to the children to teach them moral values

8. Write the story of 'A Legend of Northland' in about ten sentences.

Ans:- One day, Saint Peter was preaching around the world and reached the door of a cottage where this woman lived. She was making cakes and baking them on a hearth St. Peter was fainting with hunger. He asked the lady to give him a piece of cake. The cake that she was baking then appeared to be too big, so she did not give him that and instead, she baked another smaller one. That also appeared to be big so she did not give him that also. The second time she baked yet another smaller cake but found it too big to give away. In the third attempt she took an extremely little scrap of dough and rolled it Bat. She had it as thin as a wafer but was unable to part with that also. This angered St. Peter a lot. He said that she was not fit to live in human form and enjoy food and wamith He cursed her and transformed her into a woodpecker bird who had to liore in hard, dry wood to get its scanty food. She can be seen in the trees all day boring and boring for food.

Additional questions and answers:

1) Who is the poet of the poem 'A legend of the northland'?

Ans:- Phoebe Cary is the poet of the poem 'A legend of the northland.

2) Who was St. peter?

Ans:- St. Peter was an apostle  of Christ,

3) What is sledge? Where is it generally used?

Ans:- A sledge is a wheel less cart. It is used in the poler region like the northland.

4) Why can not the people sleep through the long nights?

Ans:- The people cat hot through the long nights because the hours of the day are 'lew and the nights are so long in the northland

5) What lesson does the tale give to you?.

Ans:- The tale gives the important message that greed is a great vice

6) How do the children of the Northland look like and why?

Ans:- The children of the Northland look like the bear's cubs beacuse they wear funny funny dresses.

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