SEBA Solutions for Class 9 English Poem - A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

This article contains SEBA Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem - " A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal." These solutions have been carefully curated by subject specialists, who have analyzed the CBSE marking scheme and the latest NCERT book. Each answer is accompanied by step-by-step explanations to facilitate easy and quick learning. The Class 9 SEBA Solutions for English Poem - " A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal" are ideal for completing your homework assignments on time and preparing thoroughly for your school tests and annual examinations. By reading this blog post, you will get all the questions answers for ' A Slumber Did My Spirit Sealand you can download the PDF for free. Thank you so much for being with us.

1. “A slumber did my spirit seal”, says the poet. That is, a deep sleep ‘closed off’ his soul (or mind). How does the poet react to his loved one’s death? Does he feel deep sense of grief? Or does he feel a great peace?

Ans: The poet was shocked on the death of his beloved. He was very sad. He feels bitter grief. But after some realisation, he feels a great peace. He is contented that the passing of time will no longer affect her. She is in peace and has become part of nature.

2.The passing of time will no longer affect her, says the poet. Which lines of the poem say this?

Ans: The poet's beloved is dead. Initially, the poet was too sad to think of anything. Then he realized that the beloved is now unaffected by the passing time. The line that could not feel the touch of earthly years says this.

3.How does the poet imagine her to be, after death? Does he think of her as a person living in a very happy state (a ‘heaven’)?


Does he see her now as a part of nature? In which lines of the poem do you find your answer?

Ans: The poet imagines her to be in peace after death. She has gone in a deep sleep away from all the worldly affairs. Now the passing of time will have no effect on her. She is now part of nature. The lines are:

(i) No motion has she now, no force.

(ii) She neither hears nor sees.

Additional Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. What is meant by earth's diurnal course'?

Ans: The 'Earth's diurnal course' means the daily movement of the earth around the sun.

2. What did the slumber due to the poet's spirit?

Ans: The slumber made the poet's spirit seal.

3. Who is the poet of poem A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal ?

Ans: William Wordsworth.

4. What is slumber ?

Ans: A deep sleep.

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