AHSEC Solutions For Class 11 English Hornbill Childhood (Poem)



Questions and Answers

1. In the poem, childhood, the poet ask two questions one is about the time and the other about the place why does he ask these questions?

Ans:- The poet ask two distinct questions regarding his childhood. The poet refreshes his memory to determine the time when he lost his childhood. It was when he was in eleven and became capable of understanding the various things.

  Secondly, he wanted to locate the hidden place where his childhood might have gone. And he found that his lost childhood is in an infant’s face.

2. What is the poet’s feeling towards childhood?

Ans:- According to the poet, childhood is a very happy period in everyone's life. Childhood is free from all complexities and evils of this material world. As one grows up, he loases all his simplicity and learns about wordly matters. A child is unable to think of his presence as different from others, he is never selfish and hostile to anyone. Therefore, the poet feels nostalgic about his childhood.

3. Which, do you think are the most poetic lines? Why?

Ans:- The last four lines of the poem ore the most poetic. Here the poet creates a lovely image of an in fant's⁠⁠ face. He conveys the idea that innocence of childhood remains only as long as one is a infant. As one grows in years, the leavenly innocence of childhood begins to disappear.

4. What according to the poem is involved in the process of growing up?

Ans:- Acconding to the poem the process of growing up involves many phases. The first phase begins when are learns to differentiate between reality and imaginative realms. The second phase is the realisation of hypocratic behaviour of the adults.  The last phase is on becoming independent and mature.

5. What is the poet's view on the hypocrisy of adults?


What does the speaker of the poem 'Childhood' speak about adults?​

Ans:- The speaker of the poem realses that the adults do not practice what they usually preach. They usually talk and preach of love but they don't aet lovingly.

6. How did he feel about heaven and hell in his childhood?  


What does poet learn about hell and heaven?

Ans:- The poet learns that heaven and hell are two imaginary places. He could not find any references about these places in the geography book.

7. Who is poet of the poem 'Childhood'? 

Ans:-  Markus Natten.

8.When does he think he had ceased to be a child? ​

Ans:- He think it was the day when he entered his twelve years.

9. Find the synonym of ‘stopped’ in the stanza​ ? 

Ans:- The synonym of stoppe is 'ceased'.

10. Identify the stanza that talk of each of the following individuality,rationalism, hypocrisy.

Ans:- First stanza  talk of retionalism. 

second stanza talks of hypocrisy. 

third stanza 3 talks of individuality.

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