Class 11 English The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role Important Question Answer | English Hornbill

 The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role

The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role

We are here to share the notes on 'The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role' from Class 11 English Hornbill textbook, which are very important and easy for your exam. These notes are concise and written in a way that can help in your studies. By reading this blog post, you will get all the questions answers for 'The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Roleand you can download the PDF for free. Thank you so much for being with us.

Questions and Answers

1. What is the concept of sustainable development?

Ans:- The development which meets the needs of the Present and at the same time preserves the environment for future generation is sustainable development.

2. Who is the world's most dangerous animal ? Why is it called so?

Ans:- Man is the moust dangerous animal of the world. They cause more destruction to the environment tham any other species does.

3. what is the Green Movonent? When was it founded and what are its aims?

Ans:- It is a movement which stresses people to follow environmental friendly practices. It was founded in 1972.

          The aims of the Green Movement are as follows–

 (i) The Green Movement aims at creating holistic and ecological view of the world.

 (ii) It makes people conscious of stopping further degradation and deterioration of nature and its resources.

4. Who was Copernius and what did he teach us?

 Ans:- Nicolaus Copernicus was a polish astronomer known as the father of modern astronomy.

            He taught mankind in the 16th century that the earth and the other planets revolved round the sun.

5. What are the main/principal/chief biological system of the earth? Why do we need them?

Ans:- The main biological system of the earth are fisheries, forests, grasslands and creplands.

            These are extremely useful for us to sustain life. They provide us food shelter and also raw materials for industry.

6. How can industry play its role in the new era of responsibility?

Ans:- It is wellknown that industries are a main source of causing environmental pollution. There will be a great change in the preservation of environment if the Industrialists become conscious of their responsibilities and become environment friendly. Thus, industry has to play a very important role in the new era of responsibility.

7. The problems of over population that directly affect our everyday life. Discuss.

Ans:- Poverty is the direct result of over population that natural resources are being depleted. Unemployment is on the increase. The problem of poverty and unemployment can never be solved if we do not check the growth of population.

8. What does the notice "The world's most dangerous animal" at a cage in the zoo at Lusaka Zambia Siginify?

Ans:- The notice "The world's moust dangerous animal" at a cage in the zoo at Lusaka Zambia Signifies the man is solely responsible for all the deterioration in environmental and depletion of natural resouses. Thus, man is the world's most dangerous animal.

9. How are earth's principal biological system being depleted ?

Ans:- There are four principal biological systems fisheries, forests, grasslands, croplands. These four, systems provide food and raw materials for industry except for minerals and syntheticest. These system have reached an unsystainable pointed where their productivity have impaired. As a resalt, fisheries are collapsed, deforestation is taking place, grasslands are turning into barren wastelands and eroplands are becoming worse. Over fishing is a very common now a days where people are becoming protein conscious. In poor countries, the forests is being cout down on a large scale to obtain wood for cooking. In some arieas, firewood is more costly than food Many species are under destruction in tropical forests.

10. "We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children". Explain .

Ans:- From many decades, human are using the resouces of the earth at a very alarming rate without worrying about future generations. Now the environment has become critical enough that humans must realise the era of responsibility towards it, with quite sometime, human peception in changing and the earth has seen as a holistic and ecological view. The earth has seen as a living organism which has its own metabolic an vital needs. We must protect the resources for future generations. Thus, the earth's resources should be utilized in a way that does not affect the future generation.

11. What do you learn about the number of living species from this chapter?

Ans:- Scientists have arranged a list of about 1.4 million living species. The number of unlisted species is much more. It varies from three to a hundred million according to various estimates. These still remain unknown and unidentified.

12. What is the estimat of the world Bank?

Ans:- The world Bank estimates that a fivefold increase in the rate of forest planting is needed to cope with the expected fuel word demand in the year 2000.

13. "Forests precede mankind; deserts follow?" Examine the validity of this remark in the light of reading "The Ailing Planet: The Green Movment Role".

Ans:- Forests are one of the most important biologied systems of the earth. They before mankind. In this sense came into existence much forests precde mankind. Forests are the power house of evoulution. Several Species of exist in them. However, man in his recklessess destroys trees and makes land barren like deserts. In poor countries, local forests are beings destroyed to procure fuelwood. It is estimated that at fivefold increase in the rate of forests planting is needed to cope with the expected fuelwood demand in the year 2000. It is the responsibility of the state to protect and improve the environment and to safe guard the forests and wildlife. Thus, as the forests disappear, deserts will follow. We must take limely steps to prevent this.

14. Why does the author aver that the growth of world population is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society?

Ans:- The growth of world population puts a severe strain on the earth's principal biological systems. Due to excessive human claims these reach on unsystainable level where their productivity is damaged. Development is not possible if world population continues to grow so rapidly. I creasing population brings hunger, poverty and unemployment.

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