Class 11 English Landscape of The Soul Important Question Answer | English Hornbill

 Landscape of The Soul

The Soul Important 

We are here to share the notes on 'Landscape of The Soul' from Class 11 English Hornbill textbook, which are very important and easy for your exam. These notes are concise and written in a way that can help in your studies. By reading this blog post, you will get all the questions answers for 'Landscape of The Soul' and you can download the PDF for free. Thank you so much for being with us.

Questions and Answers

1. Contrast the Chinese view of the art with the Europen view with examples.

Ans:- The Chinese from of art is based on imagination and Shows inner and spiritual approach of the artist. Where as the European art form is real and reproduces an actual view of the object from the landscape. 

2. Explain the concept of shanshui.

Ans:- Shanshui is a Chinese concept of art which means 'mountain water'. It is used together to represent the word 'Landscape' the two complementary poles (Yin and Yang) of and image reflect the Daoist view.

3. What do you understand by the terms 'outside art' and 'art brut' or 'raw art'?

Ans:- 'Outsider art' is the art made by untrained artists. 'Art brut' or 'Raw art' is a type of art made by people who are not professionals but they create and art piece with their own depth and understanding and not from the stereotypical from of classical art.

4. Who was the "untutored genius who created a Paradise" and what is the nature of his contribution to art ?

Ans:- The "untutored genius who created a Paradise" was Nek Chand. He was an eighty years old creator director who made the world famous Rock Garden in Chandigarh. He used everything froma a tin to sink or any thing which he felt as an art form. One of his famous creations are 'Women by the water fall'.

5. Name any two books that found the chines classical education that talk about spirit story?

Ans:-  The books of Confucius and Zhuangzi. are the two most famous books that found the china's classical education.

6. what is compared with the Yang and Yin ? 

Ans:- Yang and Yin are compared with the yogic practice of pranayama-breath in, retain and breath out.

7. What is the Doaist view of the universe?

Ans:- Daoist recognises too contrasting but complementary elements in the universe namely 'Yang' and 'Yin'. The mountain is 'yang' reaching vertically towards heares . It is stable, warm and dry in the sun. The water is 'yin' horizontal and resting on the earth. It is fluid, and moist and cool. The Interaction of Yin its counterpart Yang is of ofcourse a fundamental notion of Daoism. But besides Yang and Yin, there is a third element also. It is the middle void where the interaction. takes place. The middle void is essential as nothing can happen without it. This shows the importance of the while, unpainted space in chinese Landscape.

8. Contrast the chinese o viene of art with the Europan view with excamples.

Ans:- The Chinese from of art is based on imagination and Shows inner and spirituals approach of the artist. whereas, the European art form is real and reproduces an actual view of the object from the landscape.

             The painting of wa Daozi and the painting of Quinten Metsys demonstrate the disparity between the perspectives of two distinct arts. The painting that wa Daozi made for the Tang Emperor represented the Chinse view of art. It was meant to show the Emperor that the outer beauty of figures is of no worth. It is the inner beauty that matters. The fly that Quinten drew in the painter's panel represented the European view of art. It was meant to create an illusion of reality.

AHSEC Solutions For Class 11 English Hornbill Landscape of The Soul.

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